Ok, I have done some (very rough) sketches of the sort of things I am hoping to have a go at making. I dont have access to a scanner at the moment so I only have photos of the drawings. They are done with markers because that is what I happened to have to hand at the time. I really need to practice my figure drawing. Obviously these are just a few rough ideas of what I will base my work on, I hope for the glass bones to run the entire length of the corset but if that proves to difficult then I will have to make ‘pockets’ near the top for them to fit in to. I may have to create a seperate piece to fit around the top of the corset to get the desired effect.

Some of the sketches are based on sections of armour and one is a kind of bustle idea (yellowish one) which would be amazing if it can be pulled off without breaking the glass. Highly unlikely but I can give it a go cant I? It wouldn’t actually be yellow, it would be clear with speckles or trails of colour runing through it so it distorts the fabric underneath.