So: Back from Stourport, installation is complete and it was fun.

It rained quite a bit (not fun, as controlling the water is essential when installing mosaics).

I was inside a little fenced compound like a cage in the high street, but I spoke all day to passers by about; British motorcycles, the church in Driotwich, compulsory purchase orders, British craftmanship, plumbing, the construction of swimming pools, the longest narrow boat in the world (at 72 foot) allegedly, plus holidays in france.

I guess this is the point where it becomes a little more serious and I feel I should say something which enables enquiry, reflection, positioning or strategic thinking of some kind.

Well sorry but I work with intuition, gut feelings, a sence of balance, I am kind of serial in my thinking, but unable to invent systematic thought processes. I associate things freely and dont approach things with methods. I find intangible things motivate me, things I am just unable to see with clarity, only with hunches, reactions and leanings! I like colours and composition, just stuff that I can not reach with words.

My three fav subjects are Nature, History and Sociology. Mix them together and I am somewhere in there.

I will try harder another time, but I will say one thing…I do things carefully and I consider things before I do them!


Off to France.

Installation of the mosaic starts thurs 15th May.


Hi there blog.

I wonder what this blogging is really about? I dont find it a natural thing, I never liked writing at school. I always felt I was writing the wrong thing….. and how can you possibly write the wrong thing on a blog. Still, these feelings carry on into middle age in my case!

What I really wanted to mention was that I will be cycling (off road) in France for 3-4 days. Something that I am looking forward to very much. It has nothing to do with art in the slightest, which is a good thing, cos I live in a public art 'expression of interest' bubble. Again what are you supposed to write for an expression of interest, with that fear of writing the wrong thing just hanging around!

So bikes, bikes, bikes it is then.