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Feeling fine with the mosaic. I will cut off the lower section tommorrow. So I am almost half way through.

The 'madness' has not yet arrived. The work has been interupted by other things and broken up the mind numbing hours of torture. So I am not going to talk about it.

What I really want to do is work with much larger material on a much larger scale. Something I would need to do to achieve this, would be to become part of a design team working with professional designers and architects to integrate a variety of materials into a floor scape for example, a town square. I find acres of mono block paving or flag stones rather sterile. I know they are everywhere but the blank empty hollow feeling they give could be avoided. They are quanityfiable, easy to work with, how many required, units, maths, time schedules, simple labour and materials all easily worked out and deliverd to the client no hass.

Result: flat floor on time within budget. Sounds great: Just that they are at best dull. We expect that and take them as the only way to deal with floors. Anything else does not compute.

I would like to see if this norm for surface treatment is a penatrable, not just floors, buildings more generally and whether BS standard building regs have closed off any kind of life.

Architects, designers, developers, contractors and clients might realise something less monotonous is possible if they broke free from units, prefabrication, time, deliverables and costs. People have to live and work and use these places, they all look the same, 'but the people provide the colour and life'. Just that they have gone mad and lost the plot.

But it was on shedule and budget.

Oh…….. Thats OK Then.

Sorry…. for ranting and spouting nonsence I expect it wont be the last time.