So that's it then the nice bits all done and what's left is just mechanical. Brain damage will no dought ensue.
I am very very pleased with it though. Its like looking at one of those architectural models the ones with streets, cars, buildings with windows, trees and stuff. like looking into a micro world. Its the first time I think I've made a mosaic like that, though they are all micro worlds in their own way.
I will post a photo of the really good bits soon but today, I'll post what I have.
My batteries are low and the rest of it will be like a hard climb in the Tour de France; long, hard and painful. But I am strong and riden in these mountains many times before. I will huff and puff may even find a sprint finish at the end. I might have to find a fast finish as Halcrows 'are going to contact me' which really means when will you be ready to install, as we will be off site in a week or two!
I fixed me bike today, brakes needed attention and I've got a free lunch on Thurs next week.