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A walk in the Woods

So I doubt wether I will say too much till I install this mosaic, I have only got to cut it up and store it till the installation.

Now I have a little time on my hands I made a small path in the front garden. I might make another one tommorrow.

I think I will read Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance……. I find reading for pleasure a difficult thing and miss out on so much. Attention Disorder, lazy, always think that something else is more important, why is this? prehaps the answers lie in the book. Outside stimulas is such a good thing, so why do I find it so hard to leave my little insular world?

The blue bells are out, and I took my dog Cosmo out for a walk it was amazing, like blue water over the forest floor.

He was so happy charging through the woods, mud, smells, squirrels, stagnent water and leaves and grass to roll in. Just dog stuff I will never really understand. He was so happy it made me happy in a sad sort of way?