Collections - Page 17 of 20 - a-n The Artists Information Company
Mow Man
Student resources
A selection of useful resources for students at all levels to begin placing their practice within a wider context. To think about networks, audience, funding, promotion and a professional approach to making artwork.
Contracts – uses and abuses
Collection of legal guides and toolkits to support the a-n professional development event: Contracts – uses and abuses with solicitor Nicholas Sharp and artist Joseph Young, enabling participants to gain skills to produce and negotiate contracts, 3 February 2015, Pump […]
Stories from a-n News
Art in pieces
I had in mind the same subject with a few year late. Everything is everything.
Interesting stuff
Dex Hannon blogs
This is the place for Dex Hannon of the Broken Toy Company.
Open Call for Sound Artist
Blogs I like
This is my collection of blogs and blog posts I enjoy reading. N.B. Non-exhaustive list
Blogs I follow
Selected active or archived blogs I refer to and learn from.
plymouth art commision
Professional development resources
Selected articles, guides and other writing on professional development deliveries and matters.
SusanJonesArts: a-n texts and writing
Collection of my texts, research and other writing on the a-n website.
opportunities 4/12/14
a-n Collections archive
The a-n Collections series originally produced as printed publications with guest editors and themes including from open call for themes and contexts.
Rural arts and policy
Selected texts, discussions, guides and profiles that address issues around or profile arts taking place in rural contexts.
Perspectives from beyond the UK
Profiles, blogs and commentary on artists working beyond the UK or bringing their perspectives to UK working.
Age discrimination issues and info
Discussions and information on age discrimination issues.
Art market
Selected resources on artists, the art market and the arts ecology.
Really important arts people
Texts and profiles of artists who’ve made a difference to the life and times of the visual arts and stand out as role models.