Collections - Page 17 of 20 - a-n The Artists Information Company


Student resources

A selection of useful resources for students at all levels to begin placing their practice within a wider context. To think about networks, audience, funding, promotion and a professional approach to making artwork.

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Contracts – uses and abuses

Collection of legal guides and toolkits to support the a-n professional development event: Contracts – uses and abuses with solicitor Nicholas Sharp and artist Joseph Young, enabling participants to gain skills to produce and negotiate contracts, 3 February 2015, Pump […]

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Blogs I like

This is my collection of blogs and blog posts I enjoy reading. N.B. Non-exhaustive list

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a-n Collections archive

The a-n Collections series originally produced as printed publications with guest editors and themes including from open call for themes and contexts.

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Rural arts and policy

Selected texts, discussions, guides and profiles that address issues around or profile arts taking place in rural contexts.

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Art market

Selected resources on artists, the art market and the arts ecology.

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Really important arts people

Texts and profiles of artists who’ve made a difference to the life and times of the visual arts and stand out as role models.

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