Photograph of an estuary with digital intervention.
Photograph of an estuary with digital intervention.
‘Bomb Bird’, created recently in Carrara, using Bardiglio marble and Carrara marble. I made it at a time of great threat to the whole of Ukraine, and was horrified by the perpetual missile attacks by Russia, in the effort to […]
Exploring the beauty of Nature and its imperfections through contour line art
For many years I have been interested in ancient stone carvings, and at times I have produced simply carved abstractions of a Celtic kind and heads that reflected this interest. About 18 months ago, I came across a set of […]
Hey just figured out how to make my posts public! I have built and maintained 2 websites on WordPress for many years but confess I have found the AN site difficult to negotiate – you get used to it I […]
I consider painting a continuation of my performance and interdisciplinary practice that I have pursued since the late 1990s. They continue to explore physicality and movement, gesture and personal stories in order to explore the common condition of women and […]
Painting Statement 2021 ‘I paint chaotic and bizarre domestic scenes of every day life. Surreal and dystopian figures gesture as if from a medieval illuminated manuscript, or an Old Master like Bosch or Michelangelo, but twisted somehow. Richly textured compositions […]
Abandoned fishing gear makes up most of the plastic pollution in some parts of the world’s oceans and seas, killing and injuring more than 100,000 whales, dolphins, seals, and turtles a year.
Multi purpose, pattern welded, shear edge Japanese chef’s knife. Unique, random patterns frozen in steel.
Theatre of the Self : Performance, writing and mental health project Books are for sale @£19.95 with a website about the project: ‘I would recommend The Theatre of the Self to anyone who has or wants to take […]
I’m collecting content about Neurodiversity for my research.
In responding a Madge Gill commission proposal I became a little obsessed with making drawings of Madge.The more I did the more I enjoyed it and experimented.I have found that using ink and wash with soft oil pastel really lets […]
Art nouveau mirror frame, forged from mild steel. Sinuous filaments impressions of ribbons and vapour. 煙や落下するリボンのような鋼 Sold £200
In the Archaeology of Self series that Jose Westerman has been working since 2019, he explores the intersection of figuration, abstraction and indexicality of subjecthood in the context of the anthropocene. The interplay of the abstract artefacts and the figurative […]