New Older Artists
This is for all the correspondents to this series of posts about ‘New Older artists’. I am leaving a-n as it no longer suits my needs, so thanks to you all for taking the time and efforts to make your […]
This is for all the correspondents to this series of posts about ‘New Older artists’. I am leaving a-n as it no longer suits my needs, so thanks to you all for taking the time and efforts to make your […]
This is a drawing my son did (in Paint!) when he was helping me mock up a gallery set up. The first speech bubble contains what he sees in his minds eye. The second is what I see/don’t see. If […]
Please could you send me my policy number
Hi, I’m sadly leaving my studio space and my landlords are doing a dreadful job of making it findable to artists on a budget. So I thought I’d tell you about it here in case anyone knows someone on the […]
Hi, I’ve recently joined the a-n, and have opened my own studio/creative space to work, sell and run workshops from. I am needing contents insurance, but not sure where the best place to go for it! Any recommendations? Thank […]
I don’t know anymore, I’ve sold postcards at various exhibitions for charity but I don’t get any money from doing so, it does make me wonder if I should carry on doing them or not? Am I doing it for […]
Hi, does anyone know of work/live spaces suitable for short lets in and around London and South East, or elsewhere? Silk screen printing facilities would be a bonus. Thanks
After years of floating round the edges of a-n I have finally decided to get a bit more involved and have a go at blogging on here. My first job was to update my profile however, I’m having a few […]
Hi fellow a-n members, I have created a workshop for creatives and freelancers about getting their work online, protecting their intellectual property, standing out through the noise, safeguarding and increasing their visibility. I’ve had some great feedback and thought I […]
Can anyone tell me how to submit work for Turn the Page Artist’s Book Fair please? She’s stolen my studio chair – again! Meet the moody model for the cats eyes page of our new kids book ‘Walk Through a Rainbow.’ Type Walk Through a Rainbow into Amazon it will come up. Funds will help adults with […] This is my latest track. I am working on a series of experimental compositions fusing traditional and classical instruments with experimental processes.
Creating Art demo videos for use in schools during lockdown? How do you maintain your intellectual property rights and copyright? Advice welcome.
With Covid-19 having brought my photography business, and income, to a screeching halt, I am now looking into doing more in the way of teaching and mentoring online. I’m wanting to set up a membership and am looking at platforms […]
Does anyone have any tips for creating online virtual galleries, or guidelines for displaying work online. I know all about digital copright etc. I just want some practical tips on how to best display your work on your website; i.e. […]
I am about to launch my new exhibition and have used social media to raise awareness of the show. Does anyone know of other effective ways of advertising? e.g. influential blog sites etc? Normally I would contact media who cover […]
Has anybody had experience of the gallery sales app Marcel? Came across it earlier on today and wanted some impartial user reviews before trying it out. It allows you to set up a gallery of work which you can sell, […]
Does anyone know anything about creating online art courses? As the UK looks to ‘shut down’ for a while I won’t be able to run my normal art classes. I have never done videos or online teaching before and don’t […]
Check out the new book that I’ve illustrated for Ellie Collins. “I remember a story I heard from a friend… If you follow a rainbow right to its end There you find… or so I’m told A great big […]
A Questionnaire
Hi I’ve been asked to illustrate a book cover, my friend has written it. I don’t normally take commissions, she has explained that she doesn’t have a budget. However, I’m not willing to do it for nothing. I have no […]
Hi I’ve recently added a mailchimp newsletter function to my website and have since found out that am legally required to include a home or business address on all my email newsletters. I’ve used mailchimp before when working for organisations […]
Hi all, I hope you are keeping safe. I recently started to build a New Media portfolio and people show interest in my work. What is the best way to print the work and how do I price it fairly? […]
Hi. I am just in the process of confirming a sale to a public museum collection in Poland. They are asking for my Certificate of Tax residence for 2020. I have never sold work abroadbefore, have found the HMRC online […]