Conversations - Page 11 of 23 - a-n The Artists Information Company


Freeland Submissions

I made an application for the Freelands Funding Scheme does anyone know whether you will be notified even if you was unsuccessful? Any information would be great. Thank you. Stephen Anthony Davids.

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Next steps?

Hello good people, Lockdown has been a revelation for me in many respects, I have used every second of my time to keep pushing my work and its boundaries – and before this for sometime now I have been developing a […]

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Teaching art classes in USA

Hi, I’ve been invited by a number of private art studios/establishments to teach. They are offering to pay for flights and accommodation as well as a daily fee. These sessions would only be 5days each and be a total of […]

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Guidelines for re-opening artist studios?

Our council-run studio building was closed eight weeks ago for lockdown and, this week, the five resident artists have been told it will continue to remain closed for an unspecified period, for safety reasons, and a padlock has been put […]

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Walk Through a Rainbow

I’ve been working on a lockdown book titled : ‘Walk Through a Rainbow,’ with Ellie Collins. The eBook is now available on Kindle for £3.99. The paperback is available for £5.99. We’ll donate 50p for each of our first […]

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Collaboration or Licence Agreement?

I’m working with other artists to produce limited edition linocuts. These are collaborative works of art featuring more than 4 artists in each work.  This began as a way to earn some income because all our income disappeared overnight when […]

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Insuring against Coronavirus

Hi there, My small company (Solarcan) is exhibiting at The Photography Show at the NEC from the 14-17th March. I’ve paid £2100 for my stand however I am unsure whether or not I am covered by my a-n insurance policy […]

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Developing Your Creative Practice.Arts council cancellation

Project Name: I am somebody Project Number: DYCP-00217828 Thank you for making an application to Developing Your Creative Practice. Due to the unfolding situation with Coronavirus-Covid 19 we’re sorry to have to tell you that we are not able to […]

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I registered as self-employed last March when I moved to Folkestone to find a work-live space. The timing was great on a number of levels, not least that I didn’t have to submit an HMRC self-assessment this January (phew!). But […]

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License agreements/fees

Hi All Wondering if anyone can help??… I’ve a potential commission starting soon in which I’ll be working in an unfamiliar way. I’ve a potential commission requiring design for large format print, for an installation in which all six surfaces […]

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Exhibition insurance

Hi does anyone have any advice or recommendations regarding insuring work during an exhibition ?

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I’m an artist starting a business

Hi 2020 just started for me, and I have so far reached my goals. I climbed a mountain, I had some tropical holidays and did lots of healthy stuff. A big and sad step but necessary was to stop every […]

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Lost and frustrated!

Well, it is 2020! Yay. Eight days in and I am already dazed and confused about the direction I need to focus on. This time last year I had been going through poor mental health and getting over a house […]

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Photographing artwork

I am producing an installation which involves a mirror.  I am not particularly proficient in photographing my work.  Usually I produce paintings so it is not so much of a problem.  Does anyone know any free resources on photographing artworks?

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Group Exhibitions

I facilitate a weekly life drawing session, in an event space in a pub and the group were considering having an exhibition. Each artist will be responible for hanging their work, looking after it and taking payment if anyone wishes […]

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Evening folks. I’m new here – it’s all a bit different to the old Artist’s Newsletter I used to get at Smiths.

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Self Assement Tax Returns – The black shadow by my side.

  Hello A.N Community. I have been looking around the internet for some help with self-assessments and tax returns for creatives. In this day and age, I find myself transitioning from creating work to sell, working on commissions, running workshops, […]

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Day rates if you are not a graduate

Hi all, The suggested day rates are an excellent resource – very useful for funding proposals etc. However, they are based on time since graduation which is an issue for self-taught artists. I go from ‘when I decided I was […]

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