As a photographer I’ve been commissioned to take an image of an artists original artwork. Under normal circumstances the artist holds the copyright in the original artwork and I, as the photographer, hold the copyright in my image. However, the […]
Where on the a-n website do I find the downloadable professional liability insurance document? I’m running a stall in a fair this Saturday and I need proof I have it. I’ve looked everywhere on the a-n website. I can log […]
Looking around a.n, I found this rather fine post from about 5 years ago about ageism. I was surprised at how little it was commented on, and how little seems to have changed. Any thoughts on this? Has it got […]
There is a plethora of Open Submission shows these days and I’d be glad to hear of other people’s experiences, both positive and negative. There’s a certain amount of posts on various sites complaining that they are exploitative and expensive….the […]
Please can you help ….this is reasonably urgent . I am about to join seven other artists in a pop up gallery from October to December. The gallery building , I think is ensured by the owner but can you […]
Please can someone help me? Have just enrolled fo a-n insurance and need a copy of my insurance schedule to take with me to shows to prove I am insured. Can anyone tell me where I ought to be looking? […]
Have any other artists had this experience? I am a member of Women’s Art Association, Wales. We regularly exhibit in a Local Authority owned Gallery.Our Terms & Conditions for exhibiting artist, re pricing of work, is: your price eg: £300 […]
I am looking for a venue to present my video performance work, The Scream. It has been nine months in the making an planning. The work is a widescreen single channel projection combined with a twin channel live stream performance. […]
I’ve been heavily involved in a Living Wage campaign in London over the past 5 years and wrote an article on the impact of low pay to the creative industries a little while back. Keen to reach a relevant audience […]
I’m thinking of crowdfunding a photo-book of paintings/drawings from my new project on Guernica. Does anyone have any tips on which crowdfunding site might be good to use, or just any tips generally? I’ve never done it before. I’ll only […]
Hello! I am relatively new to selling my art and would appreciate any advice around a situation that has arisen recently with a gallery. I approached a small independent framing shop with gallery space recently in a town where I […]
Hi folks. Can anyone help? I’m researching legal requirements for organising an Arts & Crafts Fair (potentially regular if all goes well). I have my own PPL with a-n as a stall holder but need advise on what extra event […]
Hi I’m going to be running etching workshops from my studio in Durham, and although there seems to be many agreement forms online for yoga studios and physical exercise, I can’t find anything for artistic practices such as printmaking and […]
Has anyone used a FOME School Etching Press (31 cm width roller, total weight 8.5K), as supplied by Jackson Art Supplies? How are the results? Is this press good value or is it worth saving for a heavier one?
As an freelance curator and archivist I collaborate with artists and artists estates working in a variety of disciplines – including music, performance and film from across the UK and Europe. If you are interested to find out more information […]
Hi, I am looking for funding for transporting 2 sculptures to China for an exhibition. Any ideas were I should be looking?
oin Artist @dyslxicRant & FruitCake Creatives for a summer solstice midnight stroll along the river for Tales of the Thames – giver of life to London @DyslxicRant makes art to open up your heart, initiating free public walks using psychogeography […]
Hello, I am an artist/designer based near Glasgow. I also tutor creative 3d graphics/3d printing etc online. I put my details on a major online tutoring website and I have had a good number of students who I teach via […]
I am collaborating with another artist, under my own brand, on a new product. I would be really grateful for advice on suitable types of partnership agreement, and issues such as intellectual property with regards to the joint work. Thanks!
Hi can anyone advise on insurance for works of art when exhibiting at a gallery or other space thanks
Due to relocation my studio in Cambridge is available at the end of the month. I am looking for somebody to take over the lease which currently runs until the end of October and then they can arrange with the […]
Hi, I am looking for software to help me run my craft business in Northern Ireland. I make leather bags which I sell in a few shops. So I am looking for software that helps me keep track of where […]
Hi, I’m trying to bend my head round how to record my accounts and tax returns properly. I’ve come across something that talked about adding up materials not used at the end of the year and using that figure some […]
I have worked as a freelance designer for over 20 years across the London agencies and am now wanting to run creative workshops from my home – please see my facebook page (the nest at oliver house) The concept arose […]
I was wondering whether this community (Or hopefully gallery owners) would know of any galleries that may be interested in showing my indoor willow sculptures? Below are some examples Thanks Woody Fox