Conversations - Page 13 of 23 - a-n The Artists Information Company


London community websites?

Hello, I am an artist/designer based near Glasgow. I also tutor creative 3d graphics/3d printing etc online. I put my details on a  major online tutoring website and I have had a good number of students who I teach via […]

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I am collaborating with another artist, under my own brand, on a new product. I would be really grateful for advice on suitable types of partnership agreement, and issues such as intellectual property with regards to the joint work. Thanks!

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Studio available in Cambridge

Due to relocation my studio in Cambridge is available at the end of the month. I am looking for somebody to take over the lease which currently runs until the end of October and then they can arrange with the […]

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Best software for crafters

Hi, I am looking for software to help me run my craft business in Northern Ireland. I make leather bags which I sell in a few shops. So I am looking for software that helps me keep track of where […]

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Workshops from your own home

I have worked as a freelance designer for over 20 years across the London agencies and am now wanting to run creative workshops from my home – please see my facebook page (the nest at oliver house) The concept arose […]

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#Psyhogeography #walking

I run midnight walks along the river Thames and I am looking to find out how many people do midnight walks and were do you go? Are they open to the public ? Mine is on 22 June 2019 at […]

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Usage fees

Hoping to provide A4 illustration/painting for a publisher to use in online promotions. I have no point of reference as I haven’t worked for a client in this way before. Plan to offer a licence for use but clueless on […]

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Usage fees

Hoping to provide A4 illustration/painting for a publisher to use in online promotions. I have no point of reference as I haven’t worked for a client in this way before. Plan to offer a licence for use but clueless on […]

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Artists Rights

I was commissioned to design and produce an  event for a local authority designing building and installing all elements of the light project with my team. Running fro 2 years the  event was cancelled last year at short notice and […]

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Exhibiting or displaying children’s art anonymously

Does anyone have any pointers to legislation on exhibiting children’s art, from an art project which occurred outside of a school? I can see that there are safeguarding issues in publicising a name; if displayed anonymously, there could be a […]

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hi, I’m in a similar position to others I’m sure, and wanted to clarify things for a Market I’m booking for. I joined AN in October 2018 and whilst my membership is still running, I am querying whether my Insurance […]

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DBS (last conversation was in 2015)

It’s clear that enhanced DBS is very difficult to get as an individual, self-employed person. It’s been hindering for me, where I’ve required people to be present. I’ve previously had years’ of enhanced with an ’employer’ but now it’s a […]

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Responsibility for artwork exhibited within colleges

Hi all, I’m interested to know whether there is any information out there regarding what the responsibilities of colleges are in regard to exhibiting students artwork within their premises? Is there a general policy or expectation that if students are […]

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I can see that my insurance runs until the 31st of March (although my membership runs Sept to Sept) ? When will the new insurance documents become available? Does your insurance run from April 1st – asking this in case […]

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Fancy writing a manifesto for our times?

Who fancies developing a manifesto for these strange times we are living in? I’ve always adored manifestos as works of art in themselves that capture the essence of a particular epoch, but I wotuld dearly love to create work within […]

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Still being ridiculous in the 21st century

Still being ridiculous in the 21st century   Early politics (1988) Dorothea Tanning The Irish nuns in our convent favoured  the term of abuse ‘ridiculous’ or ‘ridiccaless’ in their vernacular. ‘Don’t be ridiculous Rebecca’ when I questioned anything outside their […]

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DTP in London – Day of Performative Drawing Workshops

Day of Performative Drawing Workshops, by Draw to Perform Sat 16 March 2019, 12:00-20:00. Lewisham Arthouse, London The upcoming workshop day by Draw to Perform will include three bookable workshops about drawing, provided by acclaimed artists and performers. The workshops […]

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Scanning artwork A3 +. Need advice please!

After spending far too much time scanning the internet looking for an A3 flatbed scanner for my artwork in order to catalogue and produce prints of my work, I am none the wiser in which equipment to go for! I […]

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Contract woes!

Back in 2013 I did a series of illustrations for a local author who was wanting to self publish her children’s book.  I drew up a contract for her license to use the images which was valid for five years.  […]

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