Collage Artists, questions for you.
Do you use collage in your work? Do you work the image up digitally after scanning in the real elements? Do you sell a giclee print of the finished image or the original?
Do you use collage in your work? Do you work the image up digitally after scanning in the real elements? Do you sell a giclee print of the finished image or the original?
Trying to gather information on the situation of copyright laws around working with and using a pre-existing image to create a new artwork. The image/object in question is a poster (a mass produced/printed item from the educational Macmillan series from […]
I am working on a project looking at how technology and big data is taking over human jobs. I am looking to interview Uber drivers, Deliver Riders and scan their phones and body as a primary source of research. Does […]
I have a problem with an online gallery. They’ve lost two of my prints and are saying that I collected them when I never did, I even have emails from them saying that they kept them. Plus one print I […]
Etsy for fine art – naff or not? I had a conversation with a non-artist recently who said she had the impression that a platform like Etsy was “a bit naff” for fine artists. I get it… but on […]
This week I’m taking part in a fantastic course creation challenge run by an old friend who’s been working in educational psychology. As part of my research, I wanted to ask you all this question: what’s your biggest roadblock? Is […]
I have been teaching adult art classes for quite a few years but the local college is now axing all the adult leisure classes. I have decided to carry on running the classes myself but wondered how much to charge. […]
Hi there, I hope someone might be able to offer me a bit of advise regarding chilsdren’s book illustration. I’ve been approached by a lady who has writen a children’s book about autism and has interest from publishers, although […]
I have recently completed a commission (a large one off collaged drawing) of a bar for a couple for their anniversary. The owner of the bar has seen this image and now want to use it on all of their […]
Hi, I live in Bishop Auckland in Co. Durham where there is considerable investment being made into the town over the next few years, see this site for more details, Part of this project is a new Mining Art […]
I am sending some textiles made by another artist to a buyer in Europe and none of the courier companies I have tried will offer any insurance to cover. Best I have found is FedEx who go to max $1000 […]
Hi, I am wanting to start a weekly art class and have permission from the Scout group that I volunteer for to use the building for it at a fee of £10 a month, but I would need my own […]
Hi, as a neurodiverse lady I really struggle with networking and promoting myself. I have managed to exhibit work at 13 different galleries this year through just applying online not having to go out and schmooze. I’m 40 now and […]
Hi everyone – Im due to to be moving across to Edinburgh in autumn for an AIR opportunity at the art college for a year. It would be great to be a part of some kind of peer network or […]
Hi all, I am new to the group and just wondered if anyone knows if the insurance covers running workshops with children? Thanks!
please can you update me on how to find the insurance policy to see what it covers and also how to renew. thank you!
I have just bought an ipad mainly so that i can use it when i teach art (showing examples of paintings, techniques etc). I am also using it as a portable portfolio to show people images of my work. However […]
Hi there, I want to exhibit at (and hopefully sell through) an art show in the USA. Can anybody advise me on what kind of visa I should obtain for this? I ask as US guidance seems a bit opaque […]
Can anybody recommend any giclee printers please? Thanks. Also how have you decided in the past at what size to make the edition and do you enlarge or reduce the image? Would you sell the original work as well?
I recently submitted to an Open Exhibition. When I came to pick the work back up I found I found one of the frames of the pieces had a section damaged so that it was no longer presentable. Like most […]
What do other members think about Giclée prints? Is it wrong to make a Giclée print of 25 then call it a limited edition for what is essentially a commercial inkjet process? Does it undermine the artists’ who use traditional […]
Has anyone got experience in or contacts that might be able to help me write some terms and conditions for my arts company? I reluctantly want to get my paperwork in order!
I’ve recently had laser eye surgery with tri-focal lenses inserted and am amazed at the difference to my sight, particularly perception of colour (especially blues, and purples) and detailed pattern. What experiences have other a-n members had and most importantly, […]
Does anyone know what the benchmark is for renting creative studio/work space in Brighton & Hove? My research so far has ranged from people paying £69 per month to £330 per month for around 100 sqft. I’d love to set up […]
Hi. I joined here yesterday and haven’t yet received an email to agree my membership. I would have thought I would have had that quickly followed by insurance documents. Does anyone have experience of this? Thanjs, Alyson