Conversations - Page 18 of 23 - a-n The Artists Information Company


Make Art, Save Money

Hi everyone, I’d like to introduce you to the Make Art, Save Money Facebook group. The group’s been set up to share ideas and articles and ask questions related to saving money on art supplies and exhibitions, and cutting our overheads. Please […]

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Artist pricing tables

As an amateur freelance artist I am in need of an average pricing table for different kinds of services and clients and for UK standards. Is there such a thing that i can find on the Internet or this website? Thank you

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Assembly event May June 2017

I saw this   Assembly event and thought as one of the cities mentioned was near me I would really like to go and be part of the 2 day workshop of events  talks and  networking opportunities but so far […]

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Copyright Links Please feel free to add your own resource link if you have one.

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Copyright on crafts I want to build

Hi, I know this is a stupid question and I have a feeling the answer is probably that I cant do it but I will ask anyway, but I will appreciate any help. I am starting out as a craft […]

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Insurance Confirmation Letter

I see the current Insurance policy expires shortly on 31st March. When will the new Insurance Certificate/Confirmation Letter go into the Member’s Account? I have an Event at end of April for which I have to produce valid insurance documents, […]

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Have you made an art/artist film documentary?

hi I am thinking about bringing on board a documentary film maker for my latest project. I am interested in how they can tease out the real spirit and reveal more about the artist’s intentions and passion for what they […]

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Working in schools as a visiting artist

I’m sometimes asked by schools to visit and talk about my artwork and run workshops.  They always ask if i have an up to date DBS check but they still let me work there under supervision even if I haven’t. […]

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Has anyone had dealings with this foundation?

Has anyone here had any dealings with Netherlands-based GAA Foundation? An artist has been offered a slot in their exhibition “Personal Structures” at the European Cultural Centre, in Palazzo Mora and Palazzo Bembo which will run during the Venice Biennale 13 May -26 November […]

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Newbie BA Student

I began my BA Fine Art course at University of Derby back in September 2016. I’m just about to start back next week and want to use this next semester to explore the concept of colour and shape. As an […]

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Insurance Value of Work

I’m currently struggling at setting insurance values for my work. Has anyone any previous of this or know a good place to start? 

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Looking for crits

I’m looking at portraiture for my studio practice and I’m sort of hitting a bit of a wall with it. My main discipline is photography. The concept behind the image is that “there is always something in the way of […]

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Licensing artwork

Hi I’m looking for advice having been approached about using a piece of my artwork for a cd cover. Not sure about licensing and copyright and what to charge , advice gratefully received.

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alternative methods of curating exhibitions

Hi can anyone suggest to me any examples of exhibitions of art and artefact that were selected in a non-traditional way; such as how Grayson Perry selected objects for the tomb of the unknown craftsman?

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Insurance certificate

hi I have just joined and i was wondering where i can access a copy of the insurance certificate as i have to produce it to do a craft stall tomorrow. ? thank you

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Ink experimentation

Good evening, I am looking for some advice please: I have been using coloured fine liners for some time now and have begun to feel the restrictions of using these colours whilst trying to develop ideas and keeping the quality […]

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Cyber Security! Any links or suggestions

Security for artists both personal and for art work. Should you put your face on your website? What about your address and phone number? Watermarks- a waste of time? Selling work, will I get paid? Any links or comments please

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