When is it appropriation as opposed to breach of copyright?
Hello, Has anyone done a residency at Pinea Linea de Costa A.I.R project in Rota? Can you tell me what your experience was? Thanks
I have been offered a residency in Iceland, but I don’t think I can accept it, because I don’t know how to get funding to go. Does anybody have any advice?
Anyone know any create people mainly film background I could meet when I’m over in Malmo Sweden?
I did Art Foundation in a former mortuary with outdoor lavatories. The loos were primitive in the extreme with barn style doors that didn’t reach the ground (or the ceiling) and spiders the size of cartwheels along the stone walls. […]
Hi, I am looking to change website provider, needs to be easy to build and good quality and inexpensive. Any recommendations.
Does anybody have experience of this in London and recommend anywhere in particular? With thanks.
Does anyone know if you are registered self employed but give time working in a gallery regularly( in exchange for more of your profits than just selling your work there) – whether the gallery has to have an ERN for […]
Interested to hear from creative practitioners who have been in long term residency on an estate in the UK, or anywhere in fact. Where a practical attitude to the creative process, ‘in service to’ people, has been the driving force. […]
Hi everyone, anyone good at legal matters? I have recently been asked to sign a contract with a very heavy indemnity clause – copied below. I will be giving 3 performances for a very small fee, at a well known […]
Why is it so difficult just to post a video to this site? I’ve tried uploading straight to my blog but apparently that violates some safety code so i’ve had to create a vimeo account and copy the links from […]
Hi everyone. Who can we apply to, to obtain Sponsorship for our show at the Milan Triennale this year? We need to cover costs of transport of sculpture and paintings from London to Milan and back. Also for another show […]
I am considering doing a London artist art fair in 2016 – ie representing myself; I know it’s a big financial investment – anyone have recommendations? Any good/bad experiences of particular fairs? Quality of work? I’m a professional artist/art educator, […]
Is anyone aware of grants/funding available for individual artists? There are a wide range of funding opportunities on offer, from numerous private and publicly financed organisations, with amounts varying from a few hundred pounds to over £100k, providing you are […]
Would you charge less for the giclee?!
I’m a mature student on level 5 of the part-time fine art degree course at Hereford College of Arts. Our current module, Exploring Futures, is encouraging us to look at life in our chosen field once we’ve graduated. As my […]
I don’t check in on a regular basis and was wondering what people expect from joining.
Hi All, I am setting up an affordable art exhibition called “Meet the Artists” to platform emerging artists in London. Can you help? I am looking for funding? If anyone can suggest any. And a few more options for cheap […]
Does anyone know of any affordable spaces in London where I can teach my indigo workshops? All I need is access to a sink. Any suggestions gratefully received.
I am organising a Museum’s Learning Day in Sittingbourne at the Ideas Test head office, Jan 29th 2016. I am looking for interesting and provocative speakers who can bring new ideas about how Museums work with artists. Suggestion are welcome! […]
I am a qulaified art tutor (post 16) and for some time now have been looking for a teaching post in a college or university in art. I’m looking for permanant or casual work in this field. However jobs in […]
I am a disabled artist who is currently undertaking my MA fine art. I am seeking those with visible/physical disabilities who would be willing to pose for me to take their picture. I have a studio I can use […]
Hi, I’ve been invited to attend a convention in LA where I would sell my work. (I’m an illustrator). I am trying to find out how it works with taxes, customs, carnets if you sell etc but am having difficulty […]
Hello I’ve just moved into a studio in Cardiff so that I have space to paint and to get some income off giving drawing and painting classes. I’m trying to market the courses through flyers and my own painting website […]
Canot see how to do this, any advice? Thanks Kim