Conversations - Page 21 of 23 - a-n The Artists Information Company


Web comic artist

I’m looking for a comic artist -& web-comic artist to speak to about a project – could someone get in touch please

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Copyright on using found printed material

I’m trying to ascertain exactly what printed material, ie secondhand books, leaflets, brochures etc,can be incorporated into an artwork, which is then displayed in a gallery and ultimately sold.Is it correct that as long as the printed page is not […]

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Getting prints done

What’s the best way to get professional prints done of my work. I don’t have a good enough camera to take and download to online printers

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artists consent form

I’m needing a bit of advice & hoping someone can help. I’ve been asked for some hi res photos of 3 designs by a student. A group students are putting together a magazine for a project. I’ve been assured the […]

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posting ceramics

Hi does anyone know a reliable postal company that can insure ceramics- or an insurance company that insures ceramics in transit? I am starting to get national orders and really need to sort this out as I make Raku fired […]

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The integrity or lack of in regard to Fine Art Prints

Is there any kind of standardized or definitive guidance for fine art prints? I’m getting fed up of seeing giclee prints alongside traditional hand pulled prints and sometimes at a far greater cost or am I behind the times? Any […]

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Looking for studio space

I a have recently completed my fine art degree and currently looking for some space to work. Baring in mind I have no money to rent anywhere and have little space at home. I live West Yorkshire, UK. If anyone […]

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Agent fees and licensing images query

Hi can anyone advise me or point me in the right direction to find out what reasonable fees or profit split would be appropriate for someone doing the “leg work” to convert my images into saleable items such as cards, […]

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What’s the best way to sell my art on the web

Hi, i’m looking for advice on the best way to sell my artworks over the web, and the ways in which I go about posting oversea’s, payment and insurance etc. I’ve looked at a few online shops, but not sure […]

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New to the a:n community

Hi I only joined up recently but I have been an artist all my life, at least potentially. As a little girl I was often asked “are you going to be an artist when you grow up?” to which I […]

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Art critical analysis

Anyone, or know of someone that would be able write  a critical analysis of my work and practice for my web site? I attempted it myself but it lacks the polish that someone with a deeper understanding of art history and […]

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Changing styles?

I regard my paintings and drawings as commodities for selling. I can and do produce very conservative pictures of which there has been a limited success due to the saturation of traditional art market in Oxfordshire. I itch to develop […]

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Disability in the world of art – The uneven playing field

I am currently researching into opportunities for disabled artists which conditions that prevent them from attending events, appointments etc. I was hoping that you would be kind enough to offer your thoughts / experience / ideas formed by one of the questions below. You […]

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New Projects building.

I am working on a project building in Dalston, London. I would love to have some more creative minds getting involved.

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How do you Apply For A Major Commission?

Hello! I am interested in applying for a substantial public art commission. Does anyone know of any great resources that will really help me produce the best application possible? Are there any books which come highly recommended or resources I […]

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How to build sturdy display screen Please

Hello. I would like to show my work at a festival where I have been offered a 3m sq space so I would like to assemble a set of display screens sturdy enough to hold framed and glazed prints without […]

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