Conversations - Page 8 of 23 - a-n The Artists Information Company


New to a-n!

Hi I am a Chainsaw Artist in Lincolnshire and have just joined a-n. Any tips of the best features and how to connect with other artists would be gratefully received. Many thanks Sarah

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Copyright Issues

Hi. I have a situation I am seeking a bit of advice on. My mother Amelia Hastings (now deceased) was a professional artist and many years ago was commissioned by Rohald Dahl to do a portrait of his daughter who […]

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International travel grant

Hello,   I am new to a-n and generally to applying grants.  I am looking for funds to travel abroad for an internship in ceramics. It’s not a residency. Any lead will be hugely appreciated. Thank you. Regards Archana  

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An update on Gateshead Open Studios

An update from William Fawkes, artist & founder of Gateshead Open Studios: As the founder of this wonderful local arts & history trail, it is with great sadness that this free public event (for now) is paused. We ran a […]

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Where can I get an accountability buddy?

Hi all, I’m looking for an accountability buddy to help me stick to my goals for my creative business (and v.v. for the buddy too). I just need an hour a month (probably less) to discuss where I’m up to […]

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Shipping art

Since many of us are selling from e commerce websites has anone any advice on which couriers to use? In the states UPS will package as well as deliver. This seems a good system since then they are taking responsibility […]

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Digital Artist Website Terms and Conditions

Hi Everyone, This is my second post and its been a while. I am in the process of writing my Artists website copy and need some help or advice in relation to Terms and Conditions. I have researched many different […]

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Any crowdfunding experience?

I’m launching a Crowdfunder to get a new studio space next month. I’m in the process of building the project page and have scheduled the launch date but feel a little lost. Does anyone here have any tips or advice […]

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unincorporated constitutional body

Myself and another artist are embarking on a series of community projects and the Local Authority have recommended we become an unincorporated constitutional body to make it easier for them to fund us. We have a constitution, steering group and […]

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I need some help! Policies and Procedures

Hello all, I have just been awarded Arts Council England funding for my project ‘Invisible Army’. They have requested our policies and procedures. We are two independent, self employed artist running this project. I cannot find any clear information about […]

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How do I claim for stolen artwork?

I’ve had fifteen artworks stolen o 15th July amounting to the value of £865. Can I claim through my professional liability with a-n for compensation for this? I didn’t insure it against theft. Thanks Emma

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Looking for a mentor

I graduated with a MA in Curating and have an exhibition idea (that was my dissertation) that I want to create but all the paperwork is daunting and I’m overwhelmed with knowing where to start. I’m asking for help with […]

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Are ceramics undervalued?

Is pottery undervalued? how is it that the same painting/design on paper is worth much more if produced on paper or canvas than if it is made on clay?

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Grant / gift taxable income or not?

Hello all, I am writing here to see if anyone can advise me on the following before I seek advise from HMRC. Is there anyone else that has received a grant / gift / subsidy from either Arts Council Emergency […]

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Advice on new business to help artists

Hello As well as doing my own artwork I am starting to provide some design services to help other artists to work in the public realm. I have spent 20 years working for the artist Walter Jack on large, complex, […]

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Everybody is making the same work

Basically human experience is much the same the world over and there are only slight differences in our perception of it and work made references other people’s work in an endless loop of mimicry. Now how do some become more […]

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Automatic Renewal

Just a reminder to be wary of automatic renewal contracts with third parties. Not everyone is like AN and gives you a reminder that renewal is coming up. Just got burned myself as it was in the contract and it […]

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