Lilac Cottage Studio
Friday, November 22, 2019
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Garden House Lane, Rickinghall, Suffolk IP22 1EA
East England
Lilac Cottage Studio

With winter approaching, learn or brush up on your technique for painting snow. Capturing the many colours and shadows created by snow is an often near-elusive technique and we offer you the opportunity to take advantage of our tutor Rob Nelmes’s experience in painting a snowy landscape by exploring and recreating Monet’s The Magpie.

How many shades of white or grey are there? How do you capture the different tones created by snow? How do you create the light and shadows of a snowy landscape? Rob will take you through tips and techniques to tackle all of these questions.

At the end of this day course you will have gained some valuable skills regarding landscape and snow, and have the bonus of an insight into the creation of a Monet painting.

​Tutor: Robert Nelmes
Level:  All Abilities
Hours: 10 am – 4.30 pm
All materials, refreshments and lunch included.

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