Centrespace Gallery
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
6 Leonard Lane, Bristol BS1 1EA
South West England
Centrespace Gallery, Bristol

“…in the spaciousness of uncertainty, there is room to act.”

Rebecca Solnit, Hope in the Dark

Our contemporary moment of precarity – climate, political, economic, social – calls for a progressive response that resists the pull of anger and despair. Inspired by Rebecca Solnit’s words, our aim is to create a propositional space with breathing room for alternative ways of thinking, expressing, and being.

A Gathering of Unasked Possibility is an exhibition and series of events by artists, researchers, and activists who interrogate these issues through their practices.

On Thursday 14th November, artist James Aldridge will screen his short film Walking Back to Marden, and discuss his walking-based practice and its role in providing experiences of connection and belonging. He will then lead a walk to make artwork that responds to the local area.

Please see the website for information on the full events and exhibition programme, curated by Judith Rodgers and Kelly O’Brien: