Monday, January 5, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Mecalf 40, Exmouth Market, London

Medcalf is please to exhibit the work of artist Katie Shipley.Through a varied medium of made and found objects Shipley explores subjects that derive from her experiences and research. Broadly based on society her work concentrates on the psychologies of people that woven together make our commonality. With this series of pieces Shipley concentrates on exploring memory specifically our use of memory to create our own history and identity. Shipley is interested in provoking thoughts about memory, compelling viewers to become aware of the struggles that people face daily with diseases such as Alzheimer’s and encouraging us to think of the preciousness of even the simplest of memories.Through wax sculptures, photography and found objects She examines how memories make us who we are, how we analyse and edit our past creating a labyrinth of feelings, people and moments in time. She is interested in the idea of memory as identity; with loss of memory comes the loss of ourselves, our life’s path slowly erasing behind us.