Thursday, September 6, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Corner of Broadway and Crossway, Bracknell town centre
South East England

Anita Grosz is interested in displacement and identity and expresses this in her photographic work. Recently Anita has been exploring the adolescence of her exiled, parentless, Czech father through letters written to him by an aristocrat-sponsor, Lilian Bowes-Lyon, who supported him from 1939-1949. As part of this journey Anita has returned to the multiple places where Lilian lived, where Lilian wrote the letters to her father. Anita has tried to capture nuances of the post-genocidal impact on a young person through still imagery and film. In this particular exhibit, Anita presents several of the doorways where Lilian lived, offering the viewer the opportunity to consider what possibilities doorways invoke and what is closed, locked and unattainable.