Chinatown, London
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Saturday, February 2, 2019
Tours begin from the Guanghwa Bookstore Gua, London.
Donald Shek and Chinese Arts Now

London is to host the first arts festival in the UK dedicated to British-Chinese performance and culture in 2019 from January 19th to 2nd February 2019.  Join me on an Augmented Reality Tour through Chinatown London where I will be exploring ideas of identity, cultural symbolism and myth.  This work is a development from my last exhibition, the Spectactor where I had initially tested this type of medium during the exhibition.  Come with me to break free from the

Tickets can be purchased from this link.

“The territory no longer precedes the map, nor does it survive it.”
Simulacra and Simulation, Jean Baudrillard.
The goal is it to break free from the predictable everyday lives, to be confronted by situations and the possibility to generate new perspectives.

Further details to the CAN Festival 2019 can be found here.