Artland Gallery
Friday, April 17, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Friends Meeting House (Basement Entrance) 6 Mount Street, M2 5NS
North West England

Artland Gallery is hosting 'Butterflies in Rain', a brand new collection by leading Manchester painter Margaret Cahill. Cahill has exhibited widely in solo and group exhibitions, in London, New York, Sweden and Europe. 'Butterflies in Rain' brings together Cahill’s characteristically breathtaking use of colour and deeply evocative sense of place providing an extraordinarily intense visual experience. She says: “The work explores our increasingly fragile relationship with our environments and the way we view them in a constantly shifting and uncertain world. It questions the boundaries between form and space, the real and imagined, and touches on notions of vulnerability, transience and mortality.” A feature that runs throughout the body of Cahill’s work is the uneasiness and a sense of displacement. This is possibly why the trip to Kosova struck such a chord with her. This is a country which suffered hideous atrocities in the war, the legacy of which is still very evident today. Set in a region which has seen some of Europe’s most bitter ethnic conflict of recent times, Kosova’s relationships with its neighbours, and with its past and future, may appear as tenuous and movable as the interactions between the materials and images in Cahill’s work.