The Crypt, saint Pancras Church
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
The Crypt St Pancras Church Dukes Road off Euston Road London WC1

A group show curated by Lucietta Williams.Following a successful pilot ‘Life in a Suitcase’ art show in Dec 2007, this new show brings together a wider group of artists practising in different media: painting, assemblage, sculpture, film, photography, sound and installation on the theme of ‘the suitcase’. Imaginative, quirky and original responses to the imagery and multi-layered meaning of the suitcase. Artists include :Kate Bradbury ,Miriam Burke, Graham Carrick, Fabia Claris,Pamela Furness, Anne Marie Glasheen, Caroline Gregory, Valerie Jolly, Matthew Kolakowski, Peter Mackertich, Michael Mayhew, Elisabetta Pancucci, John Perivolaris, Caroline Pick, Rory Smith, Charlotte Veysey, David Snoo Wilson.