Edinburgh College of Art,
Saturday, September 9, 2023
Monday, October 9, 2023
The University of Edinburgh West Court , Main Building, 74 Lauriston Place Edinburgh EH3 9DF
Contemporary Glass Society

Throughout 2023, CGS has been taking contemporary glass into communities around the country through a series of Discovery Days which are open to all and located in inspiring locations. The Contemporary Glass Society (CGS) has joined with the Scottish Glass Society (SGS) to celebrate the diverse and stunning work of Scottish based contemporary glass artists at Edinburgh University.

Both SGS and CGS are organisations that are passionate about reaching out to as many people as possible, to educate and inform and provide access to the remarkable experience that is the amazing material of glass.

The day is a chance to interact with professional creatives and to find out more about working within the creative industries. It’s also an intimate insight into an unknown and exciting world, meeting and making new contacts with glass artists local to you.

The programme for our day at Edinburgh University includes 5 fascinating speakers with one of these speakers being an international artist, joining us virtually by Zoom. We are providing some of the best of the world’s contemporary glass artists straight to your local centre to excite and inspire everyone.

Our Discovery Day in Edinburgh includes exploring the University Art Department and workshops plus demonstrations of glass making live! You are also able to meet real glass artists and hear them talk about their work and techniques. The day also offers the great pleasure to be found in meeting and networking with likeminded lovers and makers of contemporary glass!

A Discovery Day offers participants the chance to explore the collaboration between heritage crafts and modern technology and to appreciate the value of glass not only as an artistic material but also its technical, scientific, historical and geographical importance.  The day highlights how glass is working towards gaining green credentials.

This Discovery Day aims to enlighten and enthuse participants to the potential of either simply enjoying contemporary glass or deciding to take it one step further and start working with glass yourself!

Speakers are:

Choi Keeryong – “Glass, My Journey from South Korea to Scotland”
As a South Korean artist based in Scotland, Keeryong’s work is informed by his investigations into the similarities and cultural differences that we all experience in relation to the objects around us and also,

Juli Bolaños-Durman“A Magical World of Second Chances”

BolañosDurman is known for revitalising waste material by applying various heritage cold-working processes.

Moira Malcolm – “The Trials and Tribulations of Running

a Stained Glass Studio”

Rainbow Glass Studio Ltd is a unique family run company that aims to conserve the glorious historic stained-glass windows within Scotland, while also striving to create new contemporary works of art.

Vicky Higginson – ‘The Melting Pot’

Primarily a glass artist, Higginson uses hand-blown and cold-worked glass combined with vernacular materials to explore ideas of culture, ritual and personal narratives.

Koen Vanmechelen – “Window to the Future”

An internationally renowned artist, working across a multitude of disciplines, Koen Vanmechelen (1965) is one of the most versatile thinkers of these times. He is situated at the confluence of art, science, philosophy and community.

Be there and just be inspired!

Come & meet old friends and make new ones.

Tickets cost  £35 and £25 for students which includes all the day’s events and tea/coffee. Tickets can be purchased at: