Field Art Space
Saturday, July 13, 2024
Sunday, July 14, 2024
The Hill Farm, Ford Lane, Lichfield, Staffs. WS13 8BU
West Midlands
Field Art Space

An art workshop for everyone interested in drawing and walking. Join us as we go on two short walks around the studio making drawings as we go, recording our movement and vantage points as we follow ancient lanes. Drawing outdoors or en plein air is a multisensory experience and you will be given tips on how to create a sense of place and atmosphere in your drawings as well as being encouraged to develop a personal approach, through group tuition and one-to-one coaching. You will be able to follow a series of drawing activities and take time to draw and make notes outdoors before developing your drawings in the studio.

A drawing is simply a line going for a walk‘ – Paul Klee

  • Day 1 Discussion with examples of how walking has influenced artists. We will then go on a short walk outside the studio and make work along the way en plein air. In the afternoon we will return to the studio and develop these studies into larger drawings.
  • Day 2 Across surfaces – experiment and create different drawing surfaces in the studio before starting the second of our short walks where we focus on more sustained drawing. In the afternoon we return to the studio where you will be able to develop mixed media drawings of your walk before a final review.

Kate is a lively and exciting person to work with. She teaches with great enthusiasm, kindness and calmness. Her projects always draw out something in you that you didn’t know you had! – A student

Kate Hammersley MRSS is an interdisciplinary artist working on art and science projects supported by Arts Council England. She is a member of the Royal Society of Sculptors and has taught art workshops at the Royal Society of Sculptors and the Ashmolean Museum. She has exhibited nationally and internationally and has work in The University of Oxford collection.

Course suitable for: All levels, adults aged 18+.

You will be able to work indoors and/or outdoors. Paper and charcoal provided. Includes tea and coffee.

Book through Eventbrite

or email: [email protected]

What to bring: sketchbook, mobile phone, pencils and any particular art materials you like to use. A packed lunch, clothing and footwear suitable for the outdoors. Something to lean on when we draw outdoors e.g. hardbacked sketchbook or clipboard.