Double Negative Darkroom
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Sunday, October 5, 2014
78a Glyn Road London E5 0JE
Mean Time at Double Negative Darkroom

Repetitions, Retracing, Relapses

A combination of an exhibition and workshop activities which introduces some of the artistic tendencies in regards to the lens based medium. An emphasis will be given to the understanding of the motivation and processes that underpin contemporary art photography practice, foregrounding the ideas before going on to consider their visual outcomes.

PV: Thursday 2nd October, 6–9pm
Opening Times: 3rd – 5th October, 12–6pm

Saturday 4th October 11am – 4pm
Marcello Simeone’s work focuses upon strategies, performances and happenings especially devised for the camera with an emphasis on pathos and paradoxes. In his workshop FIELDS OF ACTION participants will be encouraged to perform an action that can possibly define them as Seducers, Creators or Revolutionaries.

Saturday 4th October 11am – 4pm
Sayako Sugawara’s LE MARBRERIE questions the very nature of the photographic medium, physical and material. Through chance techniques used by the surrealists, she aims to create new narratives that investigate memory and the unconscious.

Sunday 5th October 11am – 4pm
Magali Avezou’s workshop entitled ELSEWHERE is concerned with the relationship photography maintains with fiction and reality. It investigates form of narratives that encompass ideas of utopia and paradise through the creation of simple sets, providing an overview of Staged photography.

Sunday 5th October 11am – 4pm
In her workshop FROM REPRESENTATION TO EMBODIMENT Maria Gafarova investigates re-enactment, a practice that centres on the body as a medium for exploring critically the past. The participants will be involved in the remaking of an image, which reference events in Western history that lead to our current conception of art.

The exhibition and the workshops are part of the Art Licks Weekend.
Workshops are free but booking is required.
Please email us at:

For more information: