The Royal British Society of Sculptors
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Friday, February 10, 2012
108 Old Brompton Road London SW7 3RA

FIRST@108 is an award designed to offer Sculptors an opportunity to extend their practice into competing for public art commissions. The RBS is pleased to unveil the winning work in the Sculpture Forecourt and celebrate Jenske Dijkhuis’ achievement as the recipient of the FIRST@108 Public Art Award 2011. ‘Winning this prize has been a real journey and a thrilling experience, enabling me to see my ideas come to life with the professional support of engineers, artists and fabricators. It is wonderful to have the resources to build this design not just for myself but for the public to experience and hopefully enjoy.’ Jenske Dijkhuis, August 2011. The RBS wishes to acknowledge the generous support of a private trust which makes this award possible.