Tethervision Studio, Tether
Friday, December 3, 2010
Tethervision studio Tether 17a Huntingdon Street Nottingham NG1 3JH
East Midlands

Gods and Rockers is a look at how two entities can create themselves. For believers, both speak truth and exemplify a way of life, for the detractors they are based on what may appear to be delicate reasoning. Bringing together artists who work with myth, ritual, idolatry and belief, these three events aim to begin a conversation about the creation of enigmatic figures seen as ‘Gods’ by their followers, and to discuss, perhaps, the nature of authenticity when considering systems or movements that are based on debateable truths. ‘Rock My Religion’ discusses ideas of how rock and roll became comparable to a religion. Dan Graham brings together facets of idolatry (both created and incidental) with the response of those whose lives intertwined with a cultural shift. The audience, or followers, embellish the myth of the figure by creating expectation and hysteria; a movement is created not just by its leader, but by those who choose to exacerbate what is created. There will also be a new work by Lotti V Closs in The Black Swan alongside video works by David Blandy. Followed by Joey Bell playing No Wave, Progressive, Deutsche Elektronische and beyond. Free, please see for booking information. Curated by Dan Green