Take Courage Gallery
Saturday, July 20, 2019
06:00 PM
1st floor, 388 New Cross Rd, New Cross, London SE14 6TY
Revolv Collective

The publication encapsulates a collection of experiences in relation to a personal and collective connotation of a ‘’homeland’’. By formulating personal, political and historical narratives the artists reflect on the roots and routes which shape both individuals and nations. When the home is ruptured, existing in a distant time or simply remoulded, one not only begins to seek for a manufactured substitute, but also for hints of it everywhere else. Using vernacular and archival materials reveal the constructed nature of collective memory, whilst photography plays a central role in reinforcing a form of Belonging. The physical impact on the land by the ancestors forms a wider history of mark-making and orientation to a landscape, preserved through lived and imaginary narratives.

Book a free ticket for the discussion: