Visitor Centre, Bicester Village Outlet Shopping Centre
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
50 Pingle Drive, Bicester, Oxford. OX26 6WD
South East England

Using trees, brick walls and grasses as a lens through which she observes colours, shapes and shadows, Jane creates gently magnificent landscapes. Her colour palette is dictated by the seasons, the time of day and the mood of her subject. Ranging from vibrant orange leaves, to the muted green of willow trees, the colours of Jane’s work are subtly shifting, whilst always retaining a commitment to her surroundings. She uses different media to respond to the demands of a particular scene and enjoys experiencing the diverse effects they create. The result of Jane’s thoughtful observation of the landscape is a series of immersive paintings that display a sure understanding of the world around us. The recognisable streets of Oxford and the beauty of local meadows are treated with great care under the strokes of Hope’s brush, offering the viewer a unique insight into her intimate relationship with her environment. In this exhibition we are invited to join Jane in her appreciation of Oxford’s beauty and see the everyday under a new, expertly painted, light.