Grundy Art Gallery
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Grundy Art Gallery Queen Street Blackpool FY1 1PX
North West England

Kai-Oi Jay Yung will be joined in conversation with Helen Caird, a clinical psychologist featuring in A Plan For Nigel, one of the four video works in her current solo exhibition, ‘Amongst Dark Trees, A Clearing’, Grundy Art Gallery. Drawing on techniques of narrative therapy, Helen will talk with the artist about the focal themes, including suffering, trauma and the artist’s motivations. Together they will consider crossings between psychology and art- Helen on psychological ideas, solutions and narrative techniques and how this relates to the artist and her practice process and interpretation. The needs of artist and her investigations will also be examined, as well as the resolution of the exhibition in relation to the artist’s own experiences and intentions. In terms of clinical psychological treatment some grounding exercises will consider how the audience may re-remember important aspects of their own lives and process them, and how the works themselves may impact the audience. There will also be a full length screening of You Don’t Actually Die. Will include audience interaction