D'arcy House
Monday, April 2, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Level Best Art Cafe D'arcy House 3 Culver Street East Colchester Essex CO1 1LD
East England

Work by Trainees at this innovative work skills training centre for adults with special needs and learning difficulties. A little bit about the way we work in the Art Department at the Art Cafe: we provide the tools such as blank canvases, acrylic paint, and brushes and let the energy flow. I’m a great believer in not interfering….or interfering as little as possible. If I think that there is a lot of energy but no distinct idea of how to start making a picture, I offer a process like using a square or wedge shaped stencil to paint inside. If they then repeat this action, having chosen 3 or so colours, a form emerges which carries the energy with it and builds until there is an instinctive moment when the picture is finished. Putting a background colour onto the canvas with a roller or a brush is also a good way to get rid of inhibitions, and make a start. Providing a good atmosphere in the Art Department is important too. We work best in one free of too much chatter, in a place where people can take their time and concentrate quietly. JRO, ArtCo.