Haslemere Educational Museum
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
78 High Street Haslemere Surrey GU27 2LA
South East England

Kitty Laity and Tom Platt will be exploring the way in which one might observe pattern, disorder and complexity in nature. Asking, how might visual input affect our state of mind, and what type of thinking might it promote? Kitty Laity works with mixed media, and develops community based art projects. She uses her work to discuss light and geometry, incorporating these areas of interest into sculptures, textiles and drawings. Materials are blended to express chaos and complexity, while manipulating the experience of space, contrasting boundaries and limitless direction. In the past she has worked with local schools to create mixed media projects with community involvement. She has exhibited in London, and Beijing. Tom Platt is interested in using paint to express experience, intellect and emotion. His paintings are an attempt to convey, in finite terms, the infrastructure of relentless change of which we are a part. Provided with more questions than answers the audience might expect an encounter with marks which have no reason to be as they are, and which could have been – and the artist suggests, still could be – otherwise. These paintings are an indulgence in the potential for observation, intuition and imagination.