Love Bistro at the Minories
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
The Minories, 74 The High Street, Colchester, Enlgand UK C011UE
East England

Melaneia Warwick’s drawings were partly inspired by her love of language and her mother’s skill as a storyteller. She draws the way stories should be told except that the characters here are not people but objects spied in, then borrowed from, friends’ houses – a top hat, an angel’s dress, a jug, a stuffed bird. They’re not chosen for their formal properties (though she is drawn to organic materials like wood or clay) but for the tales they could tell. Each bibelot, whether a treasured or neglected possession, invites speculation about its history and, by association, our own: where does it come from? What has it been through? How will it be remembered?