No. 34
Friday, January 29, 2016
11:00 AM
Sittingbourne High St
South East England
Ideas Test


Eventbrite page;

The Museums and Artists Working Together – Learning day is a series of short talks and an open discussion with a range of speakers how museums in Swale can work together with artists. Building on the learning of previous museums toolkit documents including ‘Animating Museums’ by Arts Council. The aim of the day is to create a set of Museums and Artists rules (or manifesto), based on our shared knowledge, which lists codes of professional practise for future museums & artists’ projects.

Produced by Ideas Test, in their new Sittingbourne space No. 34 . Ideas Test was founded in 2012 and is one of 21 Arts Council England funded Creative People and Places projects working in areas of England where engagement in the arts is in the bottom 20% in the country. It is an action research programme that supports new and radically different approaches to engagement with the arts. The long term vision for Ideas Test is to find new routes into creativity and the arts, embedded with and led by local people, building capacity in the arts community and creating demand for excellent arts activity. Ideas Test works with professional and amateur groups and individuals inside and outside the arts. Follow us on twitter @ideastest

Event Speakers

Joanna Jones and Care Smith, Dover Arts Development (

Jeremy Clarke, The Guildhall Museum (

Thomas Goddard, Artist (

Nicole Mollett, Artist and Ideas Tester (