Institute of Mental Health
Monday, July 1, 2024
Friday, August 23, 2024
University of Nottingham Innovation Park Jubilee Campus Triumph Road Nottingham NG7 2TU
East Midlands
Institute of Mental Health

Christine Thomas, a neurodivergent artist, was the recipient of an artist studio residency at BACKLIT, as part of a collaborative project between QUAD, BACKLIT and CANDAL to support a neurodivergent artist to develop her artistic practice.
Christine says about her work:
For the residency at Backlit, Quad and CANDAL, I have considered different aspects of narrative around being neurodivergent. Drawing on my own lived experience and that of others, I have visualised how conversations can feel and then expressed through the formal qualities of an image. I have used textiles to explore two dialogues inspired by the Double Empathy issue, the first piece is a ND to ND conversation while the second is a ND to NT conversation.

Christine Thomas’s website

About the Residency
QUAD, BACKLIT and CANDAL partnered to develop a programme of arts-based activity and professional development support specifically for creative practitioners that have neurodivergent condition(s). This was a focused platform to spotlight the challenges that neurodivergent practitioners face with the objective of supporting an ND artist to develop a new body of work, exploring elements of their lived experiences and processes that may differ from neurotypical behaviour. Applicants were invited to supply an expression of interest as part of the application process. The successful candidate was Christine Thomas, an ND artist based in Derby. Christine was offered a studio space at BACKLIT for 9 months and a bursary towards artist materials. During Christines time, QUAD and BACKLIT have met with her, providing one to one support. The result of her residency will be displayed as part of her exhibition at the Institute of Mental Health.

The applicants that were not selected for the residency were invited to join a new ND network named NAN (Neurodivergent Artist Network). This is a collective of ND artists who can continue to work collaboratively to support each other with artistic and professional opportunities. This is a great legacy to the programme and continues to be led by QUAD and BACKLIT. The NAN have been invited to produce work for other opportunities including the up and coming BACKLIT members exhibition.

The next phase will mainly focus on the future development of NAN and continuing to explore best ways to support the ND artistic community.

About Derby QUAD

Derby QUAD is an international centre for engagement in contemporary art and film, based in Derby. Its year-round programme focuses on major exhibitions, professional practice for artists, mass participation, commissions, independent film and the creative use of emergent digital technologies. Derby QUAD is a charity focused on intercultural dialogue through supporting diverse audiences to engage, develop skills and contribute to contemporary culture. Year-round, QUAD’s learning, education and participation programmes involve people and communities locally and worldwide in innovative arts programmes. Derby QUAD provides creative participatory and learning opportunities for people in a safe and welcoming environment for visitors and participants. We collaborate and work in partnership with others to deliver activities that make a positive impact on their lives. QUAD’s Arts Programme Manager Peter Bonnell is neurodivergent, having been diagnosed with autism in 2021. Derby QUAD is an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation, and receives additional support from Derby City Council.

Social Media: @derbyquad



BACKLIT is a Nottingham based, LQBTQ+, Female and Neurodivergent led independent public gallery and creative studios whose main aim is to support, develop, showcase, and promote emergent artists based in Nottingham, through a series of artistic and professional development opportunities. We provide a crucial contribution to the regional creative economy to springboard artistic careers. The Co-Director was diagnosed with ADHD in 2022.

Key areas for development 2022-2026 are to continue our work to enhance our provision and support around mental health, equality, diversity and inclusion, arts, and the environment and digital.