Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Sunday, July 28, 2024
The Warehouse, 14a Osney Lane, Oxford OX1 1NJ
South East England

An Exhibition by members of the Royal Society of Sculptors arrives in Oxford

‘ON THE EDGE 2.0’ 

  • The Private View will take place on Friday 19th July 2023 6 – 9pm. 

On The Edge 1.0 was shown at The Espacio Gallery (London 2023). The exhibition showcased work by members of the Royal Society of Sculptors who had initially got to know one another on Zoom meetings during the pandemic.  The idea for the exhibition arose from discussions about how artists could respond during a time when the world was On The Edge, of war and climate change.


The title of the exhibition at OVADA, co curated by Denise Bryan and Tere Chad, takes a quote from the Ukrainian poet Boris Khersonsky: ‘Every hut in our beloved country is on the edge. And to be honest, I’m on the edge too. I feel sorry for the ones at the centre, but really I’m especially sorry for the ones in the camp towers, watching the frosty distance…’


Two of the exhibiting artists, Borys Krylov and Oles Sydoruk are from Ukraine and are continuing their practice as best as they can in Kiev.  Stephen Duncan, an artist and poet from South London, also showing work in the exhibition has recently been to visit Borys and Oles in Kiev and experienced life there first hand.  When Stephen returned from his trip he told our group just how important sculpture and art are to the people there.  It made us think about how artists involved in an exhibition like this can contribute a positive voice in our turbulent times.



The resulting work explores our relationship as humans to our environment and other humans.  Some works directly tackle the politics of conflict, how the world has been possessed and mapped. Other works highlight the effects that modern living has had on our environment. The exhibition contains works that are humorous, playful, comments, on human relationships.  Many of the artists included choose to make joyous works that celebrate nature and the fragile balance that we create on this Our Earth.


PV: Friday 19th July 2024 6 – 9pm

EXHIBITION OPEN: 17th – 28th July 2024 12 – 6pm / 28th July 10am – 1pm

VENUE: OVADA, The Warehouse, 14a Osney Lane, Oxford OX1 1NJ

CONTACT: [email protected]



ARTISTS: Borys Krylov MRSS, Oles Sydoruk MRSS, Farnoush Amini MRSS, Pauline Antram MRSS, Ronn Beattie MRSS, Barbara Beyer MRSS, Paul Bonomini MRSS, Lise Bouissiere MRSS, Julie Brixey-Williams MRSS, Denise Bryan MRSS, Ros Burgin MRSS, Tere Chad MRSS, Ali Darke MRSS, Sally de Courcy MRSS, Elizabeth Degenszejn MRSS, Stephen Duncan FRSS, Emma Elliott MRSS, Anna Gillespie MRSS, Cheryl Gould MRSS, Kate Hammersley MRSS, Alexandra Harley MRSS, Ben Joiner MRSS, Steve Johnson FRSS, Amale Freiha Khlat MRSS, Julia Ellen Lancaster MRSS, Sandra Lane MRSS, Briony Marshall MRSS, Melissa Pierce Murray MRSS, Susie Olczak MRSS, Elspeth Penfold MRSS, Desa Philippi MRSS, Mark Richards FRSS, Caroline Russell MRSS, Livia Spinolo MRSS, Lisa Snook MRSS, Christy Symington MRSS, Almuth Tebbenhoff FRSS, Paul Tecklenberg MRSS, Jill Townsley MRSS, Teresa Wells MRSS, Poppy Whatmore MRSS, Caro Williams MRSS, Emma Woffenden MRSS.



FORUM: Thursday 18th July 6 – 8pm short presentations by artists Oles Sydoruk, Denise Bryan, Tere Chad, Stephen Duncan, Dr. Sam Skinner and Mita Vaghela, followed by an open discussion.

SCULPTURAL WALKABOUT: Friday 19th July 4 – 6pm facilitated by Melissa Pierce Murray (open for families)

PLASTIC MOUNTAIN WORKSHOP: Sunday 21st July 11 – 1pm

facilitated by Briony Marshall (open for families)

PERFORMANCE: 27th July 6 – 8pm Dare to Walk Over Me by Farnoush Amini

GUIDED TOUR: 28th July 11am – 1pm facilitated by Julie Brixey-Williams and Paul Tecklenberg.