Core Gallery
Friday, September 23, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
8 - 12 Creekside, Deptford, London SE8 3DX

Cor Blimey Arts studios is home to a wealth of national and international talent: graduates of the best UK art schools; Goldsmiths, Wimbledon and the Royal College of Art; graduate artists, emerging and established artists from across the globe. Open Studios are a fantastic way to meet and buy from artists directly, see their latest works and studios. Gillian Best Powell, Jane Boyer, Rosalind Davis, Elizabeth Murton, Arnold Borgerth Nick Cornwell, Sarah Hervey, Stuart Kelly, Rebekah Narewski, Deirdre Ruane, Zoe Powell, Mo Negm, Kate Murdoch, Lisa McGilben, Carolyn Lefley, Lisa Snook, Emily Wasp, Jack Hutchinson, Shireen Qureshi and Thi Nguyen