One Paved Court
Friday, May 3, 2024
Saturday, June 1, 2024
1 Paved Court, Richmond upon Thames, TW9 1LZ
White Noise Projects

With Particle Zoo Sandra Beccarelli blurs the lines between exhibition and artist residency by showing a finished body of work alongside work in progress, with visitors playing an active role in determining the direction of the latter.

Over the course of four weeks, Beccarelli will occupy the gallery’s upper space and provide visitors an opportunity to gain an insight into her creative process.

Borrowing the title from a physics term used to describe the wide variety of subatomic particles that make up the universe, her paintings are inspired by notions of change, impermanence and transformation expressed through a process that allows for boundless possibilities.

Led by the physicality of painting and the inherent characteristics of materials, compositions evolve through a process of application and erasure, hiding and revealing, often covering both sides of the canvas.

Particle Zoo is the first in a series of exhibitions hosted by White Noise Projects at One Paved Court. The residency will include a series of talks, including a brief introduction to ‘Dark Matter’ by particle physicist Giovanni Rogers on Saturday 11 May.