Wymer and Westwick Rooms, City Hall
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
St Peter's Street, Norwich NR2 1NH
East England
paying artists, Norwich, living wage

5 November 4pm-7pm – arrival from 3.30

Hear from a-n/AIR about the Paying Artists campaign, with experiences and insights from artists and arts organisers and contribute questions to the open-table discussion.

Paying Artists Campaign – Alistair Gentry, writer and artist, or an artist and writer, founder member Market Project (2010-2013).
Lawrence Bradby – artist in Townley and Bradby on the relationship between an institution and the artists that it employs, with data on earnings and employment status of artists in Norwich and evidence from the Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission.
Representation from an arts organisation
Deputy Leader Norwich City Council Cllr Alan Waters on the Living Wage campaign adopted by local authorities and other businesses.

Using an open Space-style discussion format, we will pose the question ‘How to achieve fair pay for artists’, with emphasis won positive actions that we can make happen. Come along, with your insights, ideas and questions to take part in this rolling and open discussion, all welcome.

If you can’t arrive at 4pm, please come when you can and join in.
Book here