4B Piccadilly Place
Monday, August 19, 2013
Friday, August 30, 2013
4B Piccadilly Place, Manchester M1 3BN.
North West England

Playspace, a joint project between Verb Manchester and The Heinrich Event. Playspace provides the opportunity to MEET|CREATE|DISCUSS with artists from a range of backgrounds.

Want to keep your artists off the streets and out of trouble? Bring them to the Artists’ Summer Camp at Piccadilly Place. Here they can play and explore to their heart’s content. They need to bring their own toys though.Artists’ Summer Camp is a chance to get creative in a room with other people – it’s as simple as that. You might want to make something together or play on your own; it’s up to you. Artists’ Summer Camp will provide a workspace and interesting and stimulating people. Artists’ Summer Camp is open Monday 19th to Thursday 22nd August and Tuesday 27th August to Friday 30th August, 10-5. It may be open over Bank Holiday weekend, by arrangement, subject to availability.If you are coming to Artists’ Summer Camp, please let us know via the Artists’ Summer Camp Facebook event , stating which day or days you plan to come down.On your first day at Artists’ Summer Camp, please arrive either between 10 and 10:30 or 2 and 2:30 to be inducted into the space.

Playspace is made possible by Castlefield Gallery New Art Spaces