Greenwich Gallery
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Linear House, Peyton Place London SE10 8RS

Possible Planes takes its title from VilémFlusser’s reminder that photographs do not represent tangible objects, but possibilities. Michael Rodgers and Nick Scammell explore the photograph’s potential as a site of play and experiment, while retaining its connection to the world via their own particular engagement with the image. Scammell combines his ‘poor’ photographs with everyday materials, objects, texts and processes to create improvised photo-installations. Rodgers’ etched, torn and coloured photos confuse relationships within the frame and propose the imaginative space of the picture as more real than the scene depicted. Both Rodgers and Scammell treat photography as a starting point, a substrate upon which elements clash and cohere, where every photograph is a fresh possibility.