Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010

1. The documentary ( 29/09/2010, 14:00 – 18:00, Lifton studio.) I will introduce my project and display related material and immaterial artwork to the audience. This main method of this stage is conversation. (Please contact me for the visiting, I will open door for you. My mobile is 07826210455 and email is [email protected]) 2. Online Performance (04/10/2010, 14:00-14:30, In addition to the first stage, the audience can see how I practice my concept and how the artwork was produced. I will collect Wi-Fi information in London then upload them immediately to create real-time landscapes. This performance involves in the real world and cyberspace. The website is open now and the audience are welcome to take a glance at it before the performance. 3. UpStage (10/10/2010, 20:00 and 24:00, The final stage is the UpStage festival. UpStage is an international art festival with other 18 artists. In this performance, I will show my web artworks to the audience located in 7 real access nodes in different countries. In the second stage, I uploaded Wi-Fi information in the real world to cyberspace and I will distribute the produced artwork from cyberspace to the real world in the final stage. Besides the 7 nodes, everyone also can access the performance via laptops and desktops (no iPhone and iPad, because this is a flash platform).