Monday, April 15, 2019
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Rivington Place London EC2A 3BA

Over two days, we will discuss the structural powers shaping the context in which arts engagement work is taking place, and consider how approaches based on the legal, civic, and human rights of participants can inform more ethically aware forms of participatory projects – and help initiate systemic change.

Join us for talks and workshops led by professionals across the arts, academia, social policy, and community sectors. By bringing together these different fields, we hope to profile and share new ideas. Attendees will be encouraged to share learning, skills and resources from their own practice.

How can the of rights of participants be central to the design and delivery of arts engagement?

Why do we work with those most marginalised, excluded or discriminated against?

What ethical dilemmas and power dynamics of arts engagement emerge in these relationships?

Can this work advocate for systemic change at personal, community, organisational and societal levels?

The Rights in Focus Conference is aimed at arts professionals, socially engaged artists, curators, arts commissioners, facilitators creating workshops in arts and community spaces, artist educators, and those working in community settings – regardless of what stage in your career or practice you are at.

15 & 16 April
£50 both days, includes lunch.

Tickets and more info:

Curated by Ali Eisa and Lucy Keany at Autograph. Supported using public funding by Arts Council England. Also supported by The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.

We are an accessible venue.