Centrespace Gallery
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
6 Leonard lane Bristol BS1 1EA
South West England

Artist and musicians collaborate to create a multi-sensory landscape installation of drawing in its widest sense. Technically, more installation than drawing. Essentially, more experiment than exhibition. Emergent artist, Emma Moxey, invites you to interpret and inhabit an evolving translated place, where drawings re-present, respond and correspond, to bridge synaesthetic dimensions of time and space. The exhibited works will be accompanied by four, interpretative soundscape projects, representing the validity of the viewer's response. Sound artists: Niki Hares, Nathan Alecsander-Gray, Jordan Caraway and Nick Sharpe.The exhibition represents an enquiry into drawing's inherent processes of perception, experience, translation and transmutation. Works draw, and draw from, ‘placial' aspects such as topography, cartography, mythology, history, and sensory perceptions, whilst evolving through interconnections and the embodiment of various material forms, including large scale vitreous enamel instalation panels.