SO Festival - Skegness
Friday, July 22, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
Compass Gardens, Skegness
East Midlands

Award winning Skegness photographer John Byford is set to bring an amusing artistic twist to SO Festival 2011, with a brightly coloured washing machine.John’s latest photographic project, entitled ‘Soap Box’, will encourage visitors to share their thoughts and feelings, by writing messages on customised postcards and hanging them on a giant washing line for all to see. Postcards with unclean thoughts will be placed in the ‘Soap Box’- a brightly painted washing machine and published on a dedicated website after the festival, for ‘airing’ online.Inspired by the traditional seaside postcard, John’s installation will be exhibited across a number of locations throughout SO Festival 2011, helping to encourage participation and sharing visitors’ secrets.