Thursday, October 1, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2020

Tethervision is a free online resource for video art and video about art, with programming spanning the factual; documentaries and interviews with artists, curators and academics; to specially commissioned moving image artworks. In September 2009, the directors of Tether undertook a road trip across the UK to visit and interview the many artist-led galleries, arts initiatives and collectives that England, Scotland and Wales have to offer, to learn about the practices and activities that have determined and defined each group’s success. These interviews will form documentary material for Tethervision, and represents just one part of Tethervision’s output, which have also included a NCAN Bursary funded series of videos working with Nottingham-based artists, which to date have included artists Duncan Allen and Simon Raven. Tethervision videos are viewable via the Tether website, as well as through its own subscribable Youtube channel.