Gloucester Cathedral
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Saturday, March 31, 2012
College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LR
South West England

On 3 March 2012 Gloucester Cathedral is opening its doors as the setting for the open west’s annual exhibition. Around 90 pieces of work from 55 artists have been selected by the curators and organisers Sarah Goodwin and Lyn Cluer Coleman for this annual exhibition. Work includes sculpture, painting, site-specific installation, drawing, textile, photography, ceramics, print and video. Award winners will be announced on the night of the private view. Many of the selected artists have responded directly to this ancient building and have created new work, while others are seeing a fresh dialogue emerge between their work and the ever-present voice of the Cathedral | see selected artists on | free entry | please note there may be days when access to some areas of the Cathedral is restricted | see closures diary on | for all further details | [email protected] | 07594 354 791 | Sarah Goodwin | 
Lyn Cluer Coleman
 Curators and Directors, the open west