Paladar Restaurant
Monday, January 7, 2019
Saturday, February 16, 2019
4-5 London Road, London SE1 6JZ
Paladar Restaurant

Fifteen years ago, who would have imagined that essays might be replaced by 280 characters or a selfie? That we would be valued based on the number of our “followers”? That, on a whim, you could buy fictional “friends”? And that a “like” would be more appreciated than an evening out holding good conversation and sharing a bottle of wine with friends?

The Situationists of the 1960s were a Paris-based group of radical political thinkers with their roots in the avant-garde artistic tradition. They developed the concept of a frivolous world where representation becomes more and more dissociated from reality to the point where the spectacle becomes more real than reality itself.

Chilean artist, Tere Chad, continues this approach in a naïve and humoristic style at her upcoming exhibition in Paladar, at 4-5 London Road, London SE1 6JZ from Monday 7th January until Saturday 16th February 2019.

To launch the exhibition, there will be a private view on Monday the 7th of January from 16:30 to 18:30, which will be enhanced with live music from the Argentinian duo ‘Away Some’. During the course of the exhibition, there will be a series of guided visits by the artist, who will be on hand to explain her work and discuss the role of Latin American artists.

Tere Chad is a co-founder of the Latinos Creative Society at the University of the Arts, London. She has held five solo exhibitions and participated in several arts projects worldwide. Recently she has held an exhibition ‘Postgraduate Printmaking in London’ at the Clifford Chance, ‘Neo Norte’ where members from the Latinos Creative Society have also attempted to reframe the south as the new north at ‘Fundación Cultural de Providencia’ in Santiago, Chile; ‘Automation vs. the Human’ at Sala Cable al Arte in ‘Fundación Colunga’ in Santiago, Chile; and ‘Latin American Myth Deconstruction’ at The Crypt Gallery in London.

Through her work she explores the theme of how touch screen technology disconnects us from reality, empowering the society of the spectacle. She invites us to reflect on how we can find balance among both reconnecting with the haptic (tactile) and incorporating new technologies.

Paladar Restaurant is not only well known for its excellent creative Latin American cuisine, but also for being a centre of excellence for all aspects of Latin American culture, offering a space for Latin American artists to exhibit their work.

For further information about the artist and the exhibition, please check social media accounts @terechad or email [email protected].


For further information about Paladar, please check the website, call 020 7186 5555 or email [email protected]