Friday, May 18, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
120 Deptford High Street, Deptford, London, SE8 4NS

Our species inhabits and moves through a vast variety of surroundings. As we traverse natural and created environments we endeavor to understand them. MadeScapes presents ‘Topographic Translation: Iteration 2’, an exhibition by Lizzie Cannon, Tom Johnson, Nic Marshall, Poppy Pitt: four artists whose work stems from the complex connections we make with our physical environments and the shared desire to develop an understanding of this relationship. Peoplescapes as cityscapes; romanticized perceptions of landscapes reconfigured; the cold, unforgiving nature of the pavement beneath our feet transformed into microcosmic urban topographies. From map-making to embroidery, surface duplication to object production, the exhibition develops the dialogue established in ‘Topographic Translation’ at Bristol Diving School, offering further impressions of how we understand and rationalise the dynamic relationship we have with our environment.